Information for Editors
The Editorial Board plays a crucial role in the journal's progress. Editorial Board Members are appointed according to the geographically diverse, with members from various regions based on their expertise. However, the board's size may vary from journal to journal. In addition, previous authors or peer reviewers who have contributed to the journal, or those recommended by current board members, can be considered for Editorial Board membership. You can view our current editorial board team at https://journal.popularscientist.org/index.php/sgm/about/editorialTeam.
The roles and responsibilities of the Editorial Board are as follows:
The Editor-in-Chief (EiC) plays a pivotal role in the journal, making major decisions for its development and promotion. The EiC possesses extensive knowledge and expertise in editorial activities and is deeply involved in all key publication procedures.
Managing Editor:
A Managing Editor is a senior-level position responsible for overseeing the daily operations of a publication. Their responsibilities typically include(s) production management, policy implementation, journal development, and quality control.
Production Editor:
A Production Editor is a key role in the publishing process, primarily responsible for overseeing the production of a publication from the manuscript stage to the final product. Their typical responsibilities include(s) copyediting and proofreading, typesetting and layout, budget management, and graphic design.
Associate Editor:
An Associate Editor assists the Editor-in-Chief in finalizing manuscripts. The Associate Editor is expected to contribute one thematic issue per year, solicit articles/hot topics for the journal, and be involved in the overall development and improvement of the journal.
Editorial Board Members:
The Editorial Board consists of researchers with expertise in the relevant field. They are appointed by the publishers in consultation with the Editor-in-Chief of the journal for a specified term of 2-3 years.
If you are interested in joining our editorial team, please send your email to admin@popularscientist.org