Training and Service

Training and Service

Getting your manuscript accepted in any journal is challenging. The quality of your writing is crucial for accurately conveying your research results. Our editors have extensive background and expertise in research and editing, ensuring they can help you maximize your chances of being published. Our editors have helped numerous writers enhance the language quality of their papers, book chapters, and proceedings.

Our services include the following:
  • Training on article writing for high impact journal.
  • English Language Editing: Editors with research backgrounds in your subject area, who undergo extensive editorial training and are continually evaluated for quality.
  • Scientific Editing: Includes a detailed report with feedback and publishing advice for journal manuscripts, based on our editors’ comprehensive assessment of your findings.
  • Academic Translation: Translates your manuscript from Indonesian into English.
  • Manuscript Formatting: Formats your manuscript to meet the specified journal’s formatting guidelines for submission or resubmission.
  • Plagiarism check: Check for plagiarism and prepare your manuscript for high standard publication using Turnitin software.