Functional Materials: Processing, Utilisation, Protection

Functional Materials: Processing, Utilisation, Protection
19 Jun 2024

Functional Materials: Processing, Utilisation, Protection

This book collected articles based on the results of scientific and engineering research in the area of structural metals treatment, their corrosion behaviour and corrosion protection, features of friction welding technologies, properties of glasses, functional ceramics and materials for micro- and optoelectronics and also of various cement replacement materials. The special edition will be helpful to specialists in machinery, micro- and optoelectronics and construction.

Penulis :Vadim V. Korablev, Thangaprakash Sengodan, Ramadhansyah Putra Jaya, Suwarno Suwarno and Jav Davaasambuu
Halaman :254 Hal
Terbit :01 Aug 2023
Harga :Rp. 3,500,000
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